Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Things I've Seen

Today has been a rough day. I was sore and tired from driving home yesterday, and I had a lot to do to get ready for my class tonight. Early this morning, someone close to me called and was having a very bad day. I wasn't entirely sure how to help this person, but I was concerned enough to drive across town to try. This isn't the first time this has happened; the person seems to want to find help during super-low points, but loses interest during high points. I know the rollercoaster. It isn't always easy, but I like the highs enough to roll with the lows -- when I can. I have taken medication for depression and anxiety on and off for most of my adult life. When I asked this person whether it was more a case of anxiety or depression, s/he (I prefer not to indicate who it is) said, "It's kind of hard to tell where one lets off and the other begins." That's a good way to put it.

So I offered to drive him/her somewhere to get immediate help. I am somewhat downplaying the seriousness of the issue. I was alarmed, and I do not "alarm" easily. I sat a few hours with him/her, not making a million suggestions (which was what I wanted to do) but listening and offering occasional advice. I did try to track down some resources, and I hope s/he took advantage of them. My quandary tonight has been how much to follow up. I don't want this person to think s/he can't handle things, but I am worried. Instead of continuously checking up, I have made myself available at any time and will call in the morning to see how things are going. I'm pretty good in an emergency; it's the ongoing situations I have trouble with, not always knowing how to help but always wanting to (maybe too much).

This isn't at all what I had planned to write about, as you can probably tell from my title. I was going to distract myself by telling you about weird things that had happened to people I know. But I'll save that for another time.

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