Tuesday, October 17, 2017


I'm in full-on guilty mode, having canceled my classes this morning. I went to work yesterday, and it was difficult with the stomach issues I was having. This morning I'm having the same issues -- with greater urgency and frequency. I saw my primary care doctor yesterday and he said my liver enzymes are fine, and even if they weren't, liver disease would probably not cause the problems I've had since leaving the hospital. He thinks I have an ulcer, so I'm waiting for his office to get my gastroenterologist appointment set up. I am supposed to hear about that today. And while my doctor didn't chastise me for not going to the ER on Saturday, he did tell me to go in immediately if I throw up blood again.

Just so you know, I didn't start my blog back up so I could complain about my health. I have really been struggling with low energy and low productivity, and I remembered how fulfilling it was to have at least written my blog every day, even when I didn't do much else. It gives me a feeling of accomplishment when I'm not otherwise being my usual over-achiever perfectionist self. Certainly I am not being "that self" now. After I get some of this medical chatter out of my system, I hope to go back to writing things that are . . . better. I'm not sure exactly how they'll be better, but they will be.

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