I know this is going to sound like the most idiotic thing ever, but I don't like my new truck -- and I want my Tahoe back. When I traded it in, the salesman said the dealership was going to "wholesale" it, sell it to an out-of-area buyer who would then resell it. Last night he called to tell me that he thought he had a local buyer, a young couple who were very interested. Hmm. Actually, I feel like I was yanked by the dealer in a variety of ways, some of which may give me recourse if I return the truck and buy my old car back. I'm not sure exactly how to approach the whole thing, but the salesman call last night has made me think seriously about it. Now that I know Fernando is still close by -- and all his issues are fixed -- I want him.
The truck isn't bad; I just don't feel comfortable in it, as least not as comfortable as in the Tahoe. I realize it's been just two weeks, and I drove Fernando for thirteen years. But he is so good! I'll probably lose my down payment or at least the trade-in money, and I'll have to (at minimum) pay for the work that's been done. I need to decide how much it's worth to me to get back to my normal. I feel like a big dummy for getting caught up in the moment and allowing myself to be led astray by a salesperson. It's kind of all I've been talking to my son about since we arrived at his house a few hours ago -- and it's not helping that he totally agrees with me. Not about my being an idiot, but that salespeople will say whatever they have to and pull whatever dirty moves they can to get the deed done. I was hoping at least a little that he (my son) would talk me out of wanting to return the truck.
My youngest granddaughter, who is five, said, "That's funny! Usually mommies help their sons, but your son is helping you!" I replied that everybody needs a little help sometimes. And maybe that's the part that is eating at me. I do like my independence, but I don't always think things through as much as I should, and it's helpful for me to have a sounding board along when I buy something (or don't) to pull me back to reality. I won't complain about this too much, because I wouldn't want the opposite -- being reliant on others for every decision I make -- but even a lifetime of making every decision about everything for my kids when they were growing up and everything else I've done hasn't prepared me well enough for major purchasing situations. My brain is just tired. I'll let you know what happens.
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